Hi, I'm E-Liquid & Here's My Story
It all started with my two creators Hon Lik and Herbert Gilbert. Hon Lik I am sure you already know who that is right? He is the creator of E-Cigs who was born 1951 and is a chinese pharmacist.
He was a little genius creating a ginseng plant with aphrodisiac qualities. In the same time he worked on ultrasound vaporization. But to create a smoke equal to cigarettes he combined the processes with resistance heating.
2003 Hon Lik patented his first device in china. 2007 when the recession hit the market Hon was forced to sell his company to Dragonite and that's where a worldwide patent was obtained. As you know thats also the time where vapes started to flood the worldwide market.
When Mr Lik created his e-cig he found out that he needed to use a liquid which could be vaporized and resemble tobacco smoke somewhat, and could hold adequate and safe amounts of nicotine. So the idea was to create something that looked like cigarette smoke, but wasn't nearly as harmful or odorous.
As Mr Lik was a pharmacist which was really helpful when it came to researching and testing potential liquids to suit the job. His ultimate goal was to create a diluting liquid that could hold a pharmaceutical-grade nicotine.
After a long period of testing and experimenting, Mr Lik discovered propylene glycol or PG. PG is perfect as a diluting agent because it's a preservative, holds nicotine well and creates vapor using the atomisation process.
Another great benefit of PG was the fact it was approved by the FDA at the time, and had been for long before Mr Lik used it in this way. The fact PG was recognized as being suitable for use in pharmaceuticals and food meant the entire e cigarette concept was potentially a lot safer.
Hon wanted to create a liquid that would create the same sensation as smoking a cigarette, only it wouldn't be anywhere near as bad for health as normal smoking. He wanted to create that enjoyable throat hit smokers enjoy, and create something that would enable nicotine addicts to get their nicotine hit in a safe and enjoyable way.
E-Cigs and e liquids are commonly used today by many people and there are many eliquid variants available that use exclusively PG, VG or a mixture of the two.
The flavors available currently are incredibly diverse and can taste like soft drinks, fruits, sweets and even meals or puddings.
Because modern e-cigs have also improved in their quality and diversity, the use of e liquids has also improved. You can now get double cartridge e cigarettes enabling you to mix flavors or nicotine amounts, plus cleaning the cartomizer is much easier now as well.
E liquids are also now commonly mixed by people at home, who choose to create their own flavors in order to save money and be as self sufficient as possible when it comes to using their e cigarette.
The biggest positive to come from modern e liquids is the fact they are now not only enjoyed as a way to get nicotine. Many people enjoy e liquids which are nicotine free, and simply love trying the different flavors of e liquids available. E cigarettes are increasing in popularity day by day, and as the technology advances, so does the e cigarette following. Vaping enables people from all walks of life to enjoy a safer alternative to smoking because it is relaxing, fun and because of the huge amount of tasty e liquid flavors available to try.
Now you know where I am from and hey why don't we just get you some tasty e liquids to enhance your day? Check it out: The Best E-Liquids